These are big steps for me to take. I am thankful for Facebook and its usefulness in finding those more distant family members. Those of you who know me know that I'm really not much of a "people person." If I had to call these second cousins on the telephone, I'm almost positive I wouldn't do it. But, I've put a lot of time and effort into researching this particular side of the family, and I've found a lot of cool and interesting things about our great-grandparents that I want to be able to share with them. I even have some photos of us together when we were kids - from those very sporadic times when we did see each other. Actually, I am probably getting a little ahead of myself - I'm not even sure they will recognize my name and accept my friend request. And who knows if they will even be interested in what I've found? I will be sure to keep everyone posted. :-)
©2012, copyright Emily Kowalski Schroeder