Obviously, if you know me or regularly visit my blogs, I consider every day to be Ancestor Appreciation Day. However, this particular post is not directed towards my genealogy-inclined friends; it is directed towards ALL of my friends. I want to let my friends know that if you ever want to learn more about YOUR ancestors, figure out where they came from, where they lived, what they did, and so on, I am more than willing to spend some time researching those people for you. I am not a professional genealogist, but I have accumulated enough knowledge and experience to know what sorts of documents and resources are out there and how to go about finding them.
Why would I spend my time helping others learn about their family history? It's been very rewarding for me to learn about my ancestors and it has helped me grow as a person. It's given me a greater appreciation for the study of history in general. I've come to realize that every person's story is important, including my own. And, simply put, I just enjoy the act of researching people and families, and I learn a little bit more about history and research methods with every person, document, and geographic area that I research.
So, if you think you'd like to take me up on my offer, send me an email or contact me through Facebook or Twitter. I'd be happy to help!
©2014, copyright Emily Kowalski Schroeder. All rights reserved.