I am so glad that I did. Writing about photos and documents makes them come alive and helps to extract the stories hidden within them - stories about our relatives. Writing about my own memories of relatives who I have had the opportunity to know has been an emotional and fulfilling endeavor. And I have learned that I actually LIKE writing (Shhh, don't tell my 16 yr old math-and-science-oriented self who cringed every time I had to write a paper for school).
Some people write family history blogs with the intentions of someday writing and publishing a book about their family; that's not in my plans right now. I enjoy sharing the stories of our ancestors and learning about the times and places in which they lived and worked. I enjoy writing about the genealogy research process, my research triumphs and dead ends. And I enjoy interacting with the other family history bloggers I have met through my blog and other social media. My blog has put me back into touch with cousins who I've lost touch with over the years and it has helped me 'meet' other cousins who I didn't even know were out there.
Thank you to those of you who have read my blog posts.
©2013, copyright Emily Kowalski Schroeder